Wednesday, September 30, 2009

fuck off .

da mengayat pstu bla cm tu jea kn ? best kn !

cikgu bangang .

hari nie pgy skola cm biase . nothing bad happen till last subject , it sivik .
cm bosan giler kene kuad note psl pea enth cikgu tu bebel bebel . then , qila n xati salin jea la note tu . tetibe qila cm rse na tulis kt kertas " i hate you fucking bitch " , qila pun tulis jea la bgy kt xati . then xati pgy bgy kt firdaus pstu lan rampas kertas tu drpd firdaus and acol pun bace pea yg qila tulis kt dlm kertas tu . tetibe dieorg bising bising na bgy kt cikgu , qila and xati buad bodo jea la . tetibe cikgu tu kecoh giler tnye sape yg tulis all that , then qila mengaku jea la sbb im the one who wrote that . cikgu tu ckp na bgy kt puan mahanum so semue org backup qila ckp ala qila main main jea and all that lah kn da mmg main main jea bukan pea pun and qila n xati ade meaning yg lain psl I HATE U FUCKING BITCH tu , org lain jea yg ta tau . cikgu tu mmg bodo la kn , but qila n xati ta takut pun psl tu . klau die na bgytau parent about that it okayh , my parent already know how rude im . haha .
die fikir qila cuak ar kt die tu , ta cuak lah . haish . start from that , qila mmg rude qila babi ngn die tu ah kn . tggu jea ar , hrpn ar na dgr ape die ckp . die aim qila sbb qila ta pena na buad keje sivik yg die slalu na suruh qila buad tu . and one more thing tdy mse semue org senyap sbb tga buad keje sivik tu qila tetibe ckp smething then smue org gelak , cikgu na mara tpy da nmpk semua org gelak cikgu buad bodo jea . haha . nmpk sgt cikgu tu aim qila doe . hahahahaha . ilove my classmates :D

Saturday, September 19, 2009

melda ahmad - putus

aku duduk sendirian di kamarku
menangis kesepian kernamu
ku tinggalkan aku
kau cari yang lain
tergamakmu meronbek hatiku
aku duduk sendirian di kamarku
menangis kesepian kernamu
ku tinggalkan aku
kau cari yang lain
tergamakmu meronbek hatiku
tapi setelah kau pergi
meninggalkan aku mendapat lebih baik darimu
dia hargai aku dia sayangi aku
lebih dapipadamu
aku ingin kau tahu betapa aku gembira
tidak lagi bersamamu
namun patinya nanti
kau akan sedari
yang kau perlu cintaku
yang kau perlu cintaku
yang kau perlu cintaku

p/s: nanti akan jady , juat wait :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hari raya !

selamat hari raya kawan kawan kesygn ! haha . yeay ! mse raye da bole kuar cam biase . thanx god ! hehe . sorry klau buad sala cause im a human . and human make mistake . klau buad open house nnti i'll inform u guys . and klau korg buad open house sila inform sure dtg sbb na mkn bnyk bnyk spye jdi gimuks . haha .

qila si podo .

bodo bagang cibai pandi sme ade . bodo sgt sgt pgy bgytau kt IN yg qila still syg die and mssg IN "iny" nsbaik die ta tau meaning . haish

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ineedyousomuch .

i really really mean it . i do miss him so much .
can i have u back ? i really need u to come back to me . please be with me once again and i will never make my stupid mistake again i promise to u . i still love u and i cant stop thinking about u n our sweet memories . loving you is the best thing happened in my life , but i need to be far from you,to find myself and im still hoping that someday we will meet again because if there's a person who i want to love forever it is YOU . i want u to be mine again and this time i want it to be forever because i will be with u forever .

Monday, September 14, 2009

today . 14 sep

bgun pkl 1030 mndi siapsiap na pgy sklh pkl 1130 . then smpi sklh rse cm haus gler rase cm na pgy beli air kt bwh skjp tpy msti ta smpt kn . and lgy pun puase la . haha . borak borak ngn allya tetibe aisyah dtg then gerak surau sbb kne pgy surau . bla bla bla da perhimpunan pgy bilik seni tp ta blaja pun sbnrnye lpk ngn qila k , aida , phee n fara . da hbs seni pegy class . pstu lpklpk kt class ngn aizat n hafiz . pstu dpt report card , tgk report card dpt 4A 3B 2C nsbaek ta de D . thnx god ! tga ckpckp ngn hafiz n aizat ckgu math dtg . da hbs math kne pgy surau na smbhyg zohor , otw pgy surau nmpk azeem then borak borak smpi surau . smpi kt surau cari allya rupenye allya nga smbhyg then tggu die hbis pstu die tgglkn qila ngn aida n fara . its okay . da hbis solat zohor tga pki kasut azeem dtg borakborak psl that stupid bitch then kteorg da rse cm na bunuh stupid bitch tu same same . haha . then naek pgy class tgk tade sape pgy class allya jp borak borak then tgk tgk kt class ckgu da msuk nsbaek ckgu tu mood bgus ta mara mara . ta smpi brape min ckgu tu kuar . then semua org bising , emyr dtg semak semak je ddk kt sblh ajk borak borak , aizat n hafiz pun sme jea . tetibe firdaus dtg , emyr tarik kple firdaus then tekena kt meja pstu cm buad bodo jea ar . firdaus pun bla pgy mne enth then tetibe dtg blik ckp weyh kple aku brdara sial tgk ni . emyr da takut ckp sorry ta hbis . haha . tpy dara skit jea ta pape ta die tu . then ckgu suria suruh pgy surau sbb die mls na aja kteorg nsbaek ar surau tu sejuk skit . kt surau kteorg memekak gile babi smpi ckgu mara , hehe . da la maen cikupang ta hbishbis smpi da na blik pun ta stop lgy . haha . pstu da bole blik , tggu allya kt tgga jap jln ngn allya n lily pgy kt van . dlm van da la cm pns gile pstu jem plk tu na tggu pk cik polis tu mmg lpn thun stgh bru na bgy gerak . da la auntie van tu pgy ambk bdk sklh agme . nsbaek skit je , klau rmi mmg aku bising ah kn . haha . then smpi ruma terus msk bilik baring jp sbb penat giler then mndi mndi trun bwh tggu azan . then mkn .

p/s : tade sbb pun na tulis psl hri ni . sbb bosan jea . hehe

Sunday, September 13, 2009

13 sep , 01.17

at first he misscalled , then i call back . then i heard something that i always want to heard :')

Saturday, September 12, 2009

message with him :)

8/9 , 2355 - 9/9 , 0043

e : hai qila . huhu
q : hye :)
e : bwt pe 2 ?
q : lpk ngn kaka kt kdai mkn jea .
e : oh gnggu kew ?
q : eyh ta la .
e : eyt i daa dpt gf bru . hee
q : oh , that good :)
e : haha . tade laa i men2 jewp . tade gf pown . nga cwik . hehe
q : ish , ta pape ta gemuk ni . haha . da lme ta pnggil u gemuk ohh .
e : ha'ah . huhu pggil jewp . ta mara
q : hehe .nga buad pea tu ?
e : tade bwt pape . bring jewp . bosan mcj laa u .
q : ohh , nga mssg ngn sape lgy ?
e : tade cp . hri ny cuti
q : bole plk cuti kn . haha
e : blyh jewp . hehe nga mcj ngn cp 2 slaen i ?
q : tade sape . mls na mssg org . hehe
e : laa yke ? okayh2
q : tadi pgy sklh ?
e : pgy jewp . npe ?
q : ohh . tade pape tnye jea .
e : ap laa . ktne ny ? daa cmpy umh ?
q : da smpi da
e : ohh jum tido qila
q : okayh jum . hehe
e : hehe . jum2 . imy nyte
q : nytenyte imyt :)

i love that day because he say he miss me :')

Friday, September 11, 2009

the reason

Ask me why I keep on loving you when it's clear that you don't feel the same way for me... the problem is that as much as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you.

this is true .

It's always the same in every relationship, there is always one person crying and wishing to get back together, while the other doesn't even remember the things they've been through. I hate that I have to be the one who remembers every little detail while you can't seem to remember me at all.

bitch !

dont u take my bestf away from me please . i need them . i own them . please la weyh .

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

dear ex ,

u will always be in my heart darl . i still cant forget about u and i need u . i miss our first date kut , 5th july 2009 . remember went u wont let me go ? i just cant stop thinking about u . it really really hard to forget about u . im sorry for my stupid mistake for making u angry at me and let u go ,now when i dont have u i fill like im so stupid to let u go . i need u . i think u never realize that i always hope for u to come back to me , and forget about my stupid mistake that i have done . it suck when u are not here with me dear , i fill so lonely without u . u wrote that u miss someone named A , i dont know who is she but im hoping that is me . see how stupid i am , bodo giler syok sndri . haish . you're my certain someone that i love with all my heart,please come back to me,come back to me please! i cant do this all without you here! i love you more then words can say,you make me so happy day by day! just wish i could have you back , back in my arms once agian! i never ment to hurt you in anyway or form you just have to think i never wanted this , its all a nitemare that wont end , i need you back one more time . i dont care what they think or say cause you're still the same in my eyes as before ! i love you so much b ! please come back , back to me once again.

i hope he read this and make him come back to me :'(


fuck off ! i miss him so fucking damn much , i really do . it so hard to forget about u .

haha XD

pada hri tu , ____ ckp qila first wife die . haha . then die ckpckp psl future . hari yg bodo cm ni slalu terjdi . but it fun :D

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

parent ohh parent .

mama ckp qila dh x bole kuar for buke puase with friends , sbb hri tu pgy buke without permision . that suck doee . all my friends dh ajk dh nk pgy buke , but mama said tk bole till raye . mse raye , then i can hang out with friends . but , i want to buke puase with friends . dont u undersntd that mama ? WITH BELOVED FRIENDS . haha . so , sorry guys . i cant go . :(

Mayday Parade - Three Cheers For Five Years

everyday when i turn on this computer and i will play this song . and i'll remember about my past memories :'(

I swear that you dont have to go
I thought we could wait for the fireworks
I thought we could wait for the snow, to wash over Georgia and kill the hurt
I thought I could live in your arms
and spend every moment I have with you
stay up all night with the stars
confess all the faith that I had in you
I had in you

Too late, im sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words, so sing along for me baby
For heavens sake I know you're sorry
but you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know im dying, with my heart beside me
in shattered pieces that may never be replaced
and if I died right now, you'd never be the same

I thought with a month of apart, together would find us an opening
and moonlight would provide the spark
and that i would stumble across the key, or break down the door to your heart
Forever could see us not you and me
and you'd help me out of the dark
and id give my heart as an offering

Too late, im sure and lonely
Another night, another dream wasted on you
Just be here now against me
You know the words, so sing along for me baby
For heavens sake I know you're sorry
but you won't stop crying
This anniversary may never be the same
Inside I hope you know im dying, with my heart beside me
in shattered pieces that may never be replaced
and if I died right now, you'd never be the same

and I will always remember you as you are right now to me
and I will always remember you now
remember you now

So sleep alone tonight
with no one here just by your side
sleep alone tonight
how does he feel how does he kiss
how does he taste while hes on your lips
I cant forget you
I know you want me to want you
i want to
But i cant forget you
so when this is over dont blow your composure baby

I cant forget you
I know you want me to want you
I want to...

engkau la . sape lagi ? hahaXD

im waiting for u but , i think im just wasting my time . so i have to move on and forget about u .
And the reason why i dont accept u is now i realize that i dont want u to repeat the same thing that u have done to me before . Im sorry . i hope u stop lie to me and start be honest , MAYBE i will think about accepting u back . please go away and give back love that i had give to u . aand please go to that girl that love , she is the one who u love when im with u and she is the u love now . and i know u just pretend that u love me so that u can hurt my heart again because before this u being hurt by me kn ? HAHA . BULLSHIT LAH KAU MOTHERFUCKER !

*sorry , englinsh teruk skit .