Friday, November 13, 2009

this is what i feel .

i think that u're bored with me and u tired of me , am i right ?

damn it !

im totally addicted to laughing gas . tpy LG tu da hbis , i need it . it make me feel better when im in problems . but semua org ta bgy qila ambk just because LG tu bole effect klt otak . but who care ? aku yg akn rse semua tu , bukan korg .


Love is like an aero plane
You jump and then you pray
The lucky ones remain
In the clouds for days
If life is just a stage
Let's put on the best show
And let everyone know

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Love is like a hurricane
You know it's on the way
You think you can be brave
Underneath the waves
If life is just a dream
Which of us is dreaming
And who will wake up screaming

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather be with you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

Cause if I have to die tonight
I'd rather it was you
Cut the parachute before the dive
Baby don't you cry
You have to bring me down
We had some fun before we hit the ground

p/s : i love this song , and this song will remind me of someone :')

Saturday, November 7, 2009


im so bored now , da lame sikit kut ta update blog nie , hehe . life suck skrg , alot of problems , and i never know how to solve one by one and just let it be more sucks . i really do miss my 2008 life . why is everybody life is kind of perfect ? why mine is like so suck ? yes u see me smiling laughing but actlly in side im hurt , yes it true .

Sunday, November 1, 2009

please ?

please dont cheated on me ? dont hurt me ? i hate being hurt . please dont lie ? please be honest ? please leave me if u bored with me ? please kill me !! im begging u !

great news !

im going to sarawak and brunei this 22nd of november . yeay ! da lme ta pgy holiday . last holiday trip is on 2006 , when im standard 5 now im form 2 . lame giler doe . hahahaahaha , byebye :)

why ?

wtf ? tade mood giler babeng tetibe jea . haish . i think i lost someone that always make me happy -,-