Thursday, October 1, 2009

thursday , first of october .

i woke up at 10 am , then i heard annoying little todler voice i wonder who it is ? it my mom friend daugther maya . she is so annoying , suke bebel bebel . but a bit cute . ma n abah na bwk die pgy aquaria klcc , that why she came to my house . she love talking , but when she talking sometime it make me angry with her . die mmg ckp lepas jea . skit hti jea ckp ngn die tu ohh .but who care she just a little todler . hehe . after play with her , i go to school and abah bgy duet 100 for me . yeay ! so , pgy jea la skola cm biase and study hard cause final exam is next two week jea , but tdy ade fly skit la actly bkn fly tp jln jln jea . hehe . then , mse sejarah qila main this stupid liquid paper yg jmpe kt bwh meja then prank org bgy kne kt tgn dieorg . qila prank sharin , then raziq sebuk sebuk jea kecoh giler . time pj semua org pgy pdg , then hbis pj qila xati naik lmbt sbb mls na naik awl awl . hehe . smpai smpai kt class meja kne conteng ngn liquid , hafiz ckp raziq yg buat and i do think so . die kan cm puki perangai , da ah kne buli si benyot bodo tu . padan muke . haha . and who care setakt conteng meja , bole hilang lah weyh . haha . that all bad thing happen in my life . hehe :)