Thursday, October 29, 2009

stupid bitch will never be smart .

ape kebodo yea lah kau ni . ta reti na segan kea ape doe ? da ambik kwn aku , pastu ta reti na segan kea ape bagang ? pikir da hebat sgt ar da bole na pecah kn kteorg ? da la bodo , terase cepat , aku ta pena na ckp name kau pun , bodo betul cepat terase . sbb kau mmg perangai cm tu sbb tu kau terase , pstu na mara mara . da mmg perangai cm tu na buad cm ne . bodo ta suda lah kau nie . aku bru ckp kau **** da na bising bising . last year kau ckp aku mcm mcm tu ade aku kesah ? ade aku kecoh ? ade aku na mara ? ta de weyh , sbb aku tau aku ta mcm ape yg kau ckp tu sbb tu aku buad bodo jea kt kau . skrg aku bru jea ckp kau cm tu da na kecoh kecoh cm ****** . kau na sgt die tu kn ? ambik ah , da penat aku ckp , da penat na fikir , da penat na tgk allya nanges sbb kwn die tu . semua da penat penat penat . it up to u lah , na jadi ape pun jadi lah . aku da penat -,-

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ilovelovelovelovesyazwan :)

iloveyousomuch . The best thing about me is i own u , and nobody can own you . i need you every minute of my life . i never care what people gonna say about us , or whatever bad happen to us , i still love u with all my heart . u're my friend , bestfriend , boyfriend , and my husband . u the one i need when im sad , happy , or whatever mood im in . i know u live far away from me but your place is still in my heart . im so sorry if im making alot of trouble to u , if i did . u're my only one , i love you :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

where are you now ?

*comel giler , and i love his voice :)

bitchy bichy bitch !

hello my friends ! opss , it my bestfriend . eyh kau pena fkir ta pea yg kteorg rse weyh ? sure lah ta pena kn ? sbb kau kan hot , rmai org na kwn ngn kau , lagi lagi bile kau sng jea na dpt duit n sng jea na kuar mne mne , sure bole pnye lah . tapi , ingt lah kn bile kau susa or bile kau need help kau msti prlu kan kwn yg bole tlg kn ? kwn kwn kau yg 3 tu bole kea tlg kau mcm mne allya tlg kau ? terpakse menyusahkn dri sndri sbb na tlg kwn , sbb die syg kwn die . aku ta rase pun kwn kau yg 3 tu bule tlg kau cm ne allya tlg kau , sbb yg 3 tu aku rse mcm selfish , ta akn menyusahkn dri sndri hnye sbb seorg kwn . andand yg paling penting , aku ta pena rse pun kau appriciate ape yg allya pena tlg kau selame nie weyh . aku just na ingt kn kau jea la sebelum kau menyesal nnti bile kwn kau yg 3 tu ta bole na tlg kau . andand serious aku sedih sbb kwn yg aku anggp akn kekal "forever" lupekn kwn kwn die yg da bnyk kut tlg kau , and kau pegy kt 3 yg kteorg ta suke sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt tu . it totally 101% hurt , lagi lagi ble kau nmpk kteorg tpy kau rse mcm kteorg plk yg na rmps kau drpd dieorg tu . what kind of friend are u ? mmg suke lupe kwn nyea bile da ade kwn baru yea ?

*this is what i post to her . i hope she will realize .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

thursday , first of october .

i woke up at 10 am , then i heard annoying little todler voice i wonder who it is ? it my mom friend daugther maya . she is so annoying , suke bebel bebel . but a bit cute . ma n abah na bwk die pgy aquaria klcc , that why she came to my house . she love talking , but when she talking sometime it make me angry with her . die mmg ckp lepas jea . skit hti jea ckp ngn die tu ohh .but who care she just a little todler . hehe . after play with her , i go to school and abah bgy duet 100 for me . yeay ! so , pgy jea la skola cm biase and study hard cause final exam is next two week jea , but tdy ade fly skit la actly bkn fly tp jln jln jea . hehe . then , mse sejarah qila main this stupid liquid paper yg jmpe kt bwh meja then prank org bgy kne kt tgn dieorg . qila prank sharin , then raziq sebuk sebuk jea kecoh giler . time pj semua org pgy pdg , then hbis pj qila xati naik lmbt sbb mls na naik awl awl . hehe . smpai smpai kt class meja kne conteng ngn liquid , hafiz ckp raziq yg buat and i do think so . die kan cm puki perangai , da ah kne buli si benyot bodo tu . padan muke . haha . and who care setakt conteng meja , bole hilang lah weyh . haha . that all bad thing happen in my life . hehe :)